A downloadable mod

WARNING: This mod contains screen shaking, and other unsettling things. If you're epileptic or capable of having a seizure,


N O T!




UPDATE: Due to popular demand, this small update consists of two things
1. There is a new setting that warns you about screen shaking

2. I brought back the hurt notes!

3. The characters change but not their voices 

4. I am NOT the original creator if you want to see the original page, the link is right here: https://gamebanana.com/mods/325161

5. Sorry, currently this mod does not work, I am are doing everything I can do to fix this.

One night on the town you're spending some time with your hot girlfriend when a certain rodent bumps into you. You're excited to see it's the one and only Mickey Mouse! But he seems more... down than usual. Eh, everyone has their off days. You offer him a song to cheer him up. Little do you know how much of a mistake that truly is...

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